Hold a Discovery Appointment
Step 0: Video Instructions
Step 1: Learn the Discovery Process
The goal for this module is to hold a discovery appointment with a practice client, but before you ask someone to be a practice client, you'll want to see what your first appointment will be like.
To do that, simply watch the video above and review the Discovery Worksheet. When you do, you'll see that you have everything you need to hold a successful first appointment with a client and become clear on exactly where you can help them.
When completed, check the box:
Step 2: Build a Coach Mindset
Watch the video. Then complete this mindset activity at least once:
- Use visualization to imagine the possible outcomes you could create for others
- Write a half page description of these possible outcomes
If you're smart, you will repeat this visualization each morning for 3 minutes and read your half page descriptions daily.
When completed, check the box:
Step 3: Create a Safe Environment
After watching the video, take some time to write out YOUR 10 rules to maintain safety while coaching. You may use Kirk's rules or come up with your own. Commit to yourself that you will hold to your own rules and not let the client compromise them.
When completed, check the box:
Step 4: Get a Practice Client
After watching the video, think about who could be a good practice client for you. Make a list of 3 or more people who fit the following criteria:
- They are generally positive and easy to work with
- You are on good or neutral terms with them
- You don't have any unresolved negative feelings toward them (such as hurt, anger, resentment, fear, etc.)
When making this list, think about the person you would feel most comfortable approaching and asking to be your practice client. When ready, go ahead and reach out to them about it. Continue adding names to this list and reaching out to more people until 1 person agrees to hold 4 practice appointments with you (1 discovery appointment and 3 coaching appointments).
When completed, check the box:
Step 5: Plan Your Appointments
Once you get someone who agrees to be your practice client, work out and schedule the soonest available time you could hold the discovery appointment.
If you can, it's also a smart idea to schedule the other appointments at the same time. Ideally, you will hold appt #2 about 2-4 days after your discovery appointment. Then space the remaining appointments about 7-8 days apart.
But if another spacing patter works better for you and your practice client, just go with that 🙂
Do you want to use Zoom for your appointments?
Click Here for a resource to help you get started using Zoom. If you are familiar with zoom, this resource isn't necessary, but you may still find something useful in it.
When completed, check the box:
Step 6: Prepare for the Appointment
This is the recommended way to use the client worksheet:
- Send a copy of the worksheet to the client about 2-3 days before the appointment. Tell them you will review and go through the worksheet with them during the appointment.
- Ask them to review it. They may start on it ahead of time, but this isn't required. You will still hold the appointment with them even if they did nothing with the worksheet.
- During the appointment, you will have your own copy of the worksheet and go over it with them. Use it to take notes as you listen to them answer your questions. Take notes on both what you hear the client saying and anything you intuitively notice.
- Keep your notes in a folder with your client's name on it, along with any other files you use with your client. This can be a physical or digital folder. Either way, stay organized and respect these notes.
*These recommendations apply for all appointments in which you will use a worksheet. If you ever have an appointment without a worksheet, you still want to take notes and store them in your client folder.
Discovery Structure + Facilitator Guide
Pre-Appointment Checklist
Be sure to review these items to ensure you are ready to hold the practice Discovery Appointment
- I have watched the training video on Step 1
- I understand the purpose and value of the Discovery appointment and the order of the questions.
- I have watched the video "Create a Safe Environment" and written out my own rules for safety.
- My practice client and I both know the method being used for the appointment (phone call, video appt, meeting in person, etc.), and we have all the information/technology needed to attend.
- I have sent the Discovery Worksheet to my practice client and informed them we will go over these questions during the appt. I have my own copy to take notes on during the appt.
- My practice client and I both know the expected length of this appointment.
- I have watched the video about the facilitator guide and structure of the discovery appt, and understand the basics of how to begin, move through, and end the appointment
- I have the facilitator guide ready for this appointment.
- I know that the discovery appointment is not for coaching yet. It is for me to learn about my practice client, and for them to see that I am actually finding out how to help them. I can assure them that the next appointments will address some of the challenges they face and share with me. That's when the coaching will start. I should NOT try to coach them yet.
- If their next appointment (#2) isn't already scheduled, I know I need to schedule it before I end the discovery appointment. I have what I need to schedule it with them.
When completed, check the box:
Step 7: Hold the Appointment
Watch this video about 10-30 mins before your appointment and get a small pep talk from Kirk.
You've got this!
When completed, check the box:
Step 2: Sign the Agreement
If you haven't already, Click Here to fill out and sign the Coach Fast Track Program Agreement.
When completed, check the box:
Step 0: Video Instructions
If you are completely new to Google Drive, Click Here to watch a good tutorial on YouTube.
We use Google Drive to manage files with the Coach Fast Track.
It isn't required that you use Google Drive, but it's something we recommend while you are in Coach Fast Track. If you're on board with that, we recommend following these instructions:
- Open your Google Drive
- Go to 'My Drive'
- Create a new folder and name it something all-encompassing like "My Coaching" or "[My Name]'s Coaching." (Do not share this folder with anyone else. This is where we recommend you store all coaching-related files you acquire or make)
- Open that folder and create a subfolder within it titled "Fast Track - Shared" and share it (with editing permission) to this email address: ammon@3keyelements.com.
If you have any questions about this, or need any assistance, bring it up during the onboarding appointment and we'll take care of you. You can also follow the more details steps below.
When completed, check the box:
Help? I Don't Know about Google Drive
This section is for those who are NOT familiar with Google Drive, and need help following the instructions above.
Do you have Google Drive?
First: if you have a Google account that means you DO already have Google Drive, which is a place you can store and manage files online. If you go to Google Drive and you are prompted to login, simply use the credentials of your Google account.
If you aren't sure if you HAVE a Google account, ask yourself this: do you use Gmail? Google Calendar? Google docs? Do you login when using YouTube? If any of these are true, then you DO have a Google account.
If you don't have a Google account, you can create one from the sign-in page. From there, you can create a Gmail address or use one of your existing email addresses.
How do I use Google Drive?
For video instructions, Click Here to watch a good tutorial on YouTube.
If you are so inclined, feel free to experiment creating files and folders in Google Drive, or uploading files from external sources. Familiarity with Google Drive will help you, and simple practice is often all it takes to figure out the basics.
To help you with what you need to do right now, use the images below as a guide:
Once you have created a general folder for all your coaching purposes (the name of which can be anything you like. "Ammon's Coaching" is just an example), open it and create a subfolder with the name "Fast Track - Shared." THIS folder is what you will share with 3 Key Elements for as long as you are in the Fast Track program.
When you're done, it should look something like this:
Then right-click on the "Fast Track - Shared" folder and click "Share." Put ammon@3keyelements.com into the place to add email addresses, then click "done" then "send."
Now you're all set!
If you want or need additional help learning how to use Google Drive, Click Here to watch a tutorial on YouTube.
When completed, check the box: