Step 1: Put it in Your Calendar
Step 2: Watch the Video Below
Step 3: Read a couple testimonials
"I’ve been waiting twenty years for you!"
"Ann, working with you has opened up a whole new avenue of life for me. My life has become happier and richer. I’m so grateful for everything I’ve learned with you. I’ve worked with other professionals in the past who’ve taught me lovely things. However, they didn’t have the same grasp that pulls everything together that you do. You’re the whole deal. You teach from so many directions I feel surrounded and supported by your training. You are the whole meal...the appetizer, the main course and the dessert! I feel like I’ve been waiting twenty years for you."
"It woke me up!"
"I have been a follower of 3 Key Elements for 6 years. I have gone through every training but the Elite program. It wasnt until the pandemic where I realized that I needed 3 Key Elements even more than before. I knew without any doubt that I needed Breakfree and Ann Washburn weekly. I can't imagine a life right now without a mentor as big as Ann. Is it really possible in these times that I can be apart of this great program and have access to Ann weekly? She has taught me to tune out the world and focus on what I can improve upon and that's me. Life isnt over with a pandemic. It woke me up. I almost needed permission to still live happily and still dream in this new world we are in. You know what? My world is better now. I got through a pandemic without a significant other around, because I had Ann. I got through a pandemic that is not over yet, but I still have Ann. Breakfree coaching and having the marvelous skills that Ann brings has become a way of life for me. I highly recommend it. It's one of the best programs 3 Key has created."