Kirk Duncan
President of 3 Key Elements, Life Coach, Mentor, Global Warrior of the Mind
Experience 3 Years of PROGRESS in 2 Days
Establish your CREDIBILITY and become fearless
Learn how to balance STRUCTURE & INTUITION
Get your ideas organized and CLIENT READY
Upgrade your confidence to enroll PAID CLIENTS
VIP Experience:
- Live In-Person Event
- Days: Friday and Saturday, June 7-8, 2024
- Timing: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM each day (with break time for lunch)
- Location: Kirk's Home in Utah County (address will be sent to those who register)
- Kirk & Kim Up Close & Personal: join Kirk & Kim for an unforgettable evening (Saturday 5:30-8:30 pm), including catered dinner and (weather permitting) a campfire with smores.
- Post Event Workshop: Exclusive 2-hour follow-up with Kirk via Zoom online meeting (June 20th, 7:30-9:30 am)
*Must be 18 or older to attend; ending time is approximate
June 7th- 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM*
- 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM*
June 8th- 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM*
- 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM*
*Ending times are approximate
Location: Kirk's home in Utah County
Parking: free
Who This is For
The Build It, Sell It Workshop is for inspired coaches* that are serious about coaching but they’ve run into a wall and really need their next breakthrough.
Kirk will help you build out the framework of your coaching content and practice selling it.
*must be 18 or older to attend
Message From Kirk
Join me for a 2 Day focus and refinement process to get you up and moving on a more productive timeline as a coach. Time to go through your coaching content and finally get it organized and fine tuned so you can focus more on acquiring clients. What about your coaching skill? Is it where you want it to be? How are your listening skills? What about your problem solving process? Upgrade time? You are in the right place at the right time!
In 3 days we will review your coaching content (or build you a brand new coaching program) and tap into those gifts and talents of yours and connect the dots inside of you so your personal value will get up where it needs to be. I will show you what has changed in the coaching world over the last 3 years so you will know what to update in your own coaching program.
You know the secret to an excellent coaching program is the balance of Structure & Intuition. Trying to coach with one or the other just doesn’t cut it as a coach these days. To be your best and do your best will require you to activate and balance both sides of you, your head & your heart. Don’t worry, I will show you how to get balanced. You are due for a good head / heart balance.
Pricing, sales and enrolling paid clients. I know you require help in this area. Time to learn and practice this so you can work with more clients and stop doing so many appointments for free and for such a low price.
I promise you, at the end of this program you will feel more put together and more confident in your coaching content than you have felt in a long time. When you feel good…you do good! When you feel great…you will do great! Register now to secure your seat.
See you LIVE at the class!
- Kirk
Friday-Saturday, 7-8 June, 2024 Utah County - IN PERSON event!