Live Online Event: January 24-25, 2025
Session 1
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (MT)
Jan 24th
Session 2
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM (MT)
Jan 24th
Session 3
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (MT)
Jan 25th
The skill to be better,
so you can Do Better.
Stronger - Lighter - Smarter

What will I get out of this class?

Solving Problem #1
Emotional Overwhelm
How have overwhelming emotions diminished you so far?
How much will it suppress this year? Are you ready to SHED this heavy anchor?
I will coach you on how to reduce overwhelm and free your spirit!
Solving Problem #2
Difficulty Setting Boundaries
If you haven’t learned how to set internal and external boundaries... that explains why you fall victim of others' emotions and manipulations.
Boundaries start on the inside, and empaths tend to have almost non-existent internal boundaries!
And that makes it hard to create external boundaries.
I want to help you create powerful boundaries that help you protect yourself and thrive!

Kirk Duncan
Life Coach, Seminar Leader
Body Language Expert
- 18+ years of experience
- 15 years of teaching monthly live seminars
- 6,200 presentations
- 18,000 hours of experience
- Created 41 training programs
- 85 appearances on TV
- Global audience

Ever since I made the choice to get a coach...
Everything's changed
- Dark place, physically & emotionally
- Depressed, overwhelmed
- Almost ended my own life
- Stressed, no hope in the future
- Full of hope
- Resilient to life's challenges
- More confidence than ever
- Healthier habits
- Built an Inc. 500 award-winning company
- Influencing people globally for good
- Deeper in love with my wife
- Closer to God
Kirk Duncan
From: Kirk
Utah, USA
18 years ago, I was at the end of my rope. Everything I did crashed and burned. I didn't believe in myself. I was 100 pounds heavier. My marriage was on the rocks.
I wanted to be happy... but I could barely even get out of bed.
In fact, I was so tired of not seeing the improvements I wanted that I started to give up...
Things got dark enough for me that I even considered taking my own life.
If I couldn't change... what was the point? ...right?...
Before I could finish that thought, the cosmic two-by-four smacked me across the head and I heard a voice say "DUNCAN! What are you doing!"
I realized just how terrible this situation was... my own poor opinions of myself along with discouraging and degrading thoughts had gotten me to the point that for a moment I actually believed the world would be better off without me.
I decided in that moment that I needed to figure out how to beat the negative thoughts, how to have positive opinions of myself, and how to get my mind to work for me to accomplish more goals, improve my relationships, and live the life I want to live.
It took me quite a while (and years of struggle!) to figure it out, but now 17 years later and living my purpose, I know exactly what habits, strategies, and techniques that can take anyone from where they are now to where they want to be.
It's not magic... it's mindset.
That's why I designed this program - so I can meet you where you are and we can build your best self... together.
So what are you waiting for? Your future won't build itself... jump in today.
I'll see you on the inside!

We think this will change your life.
so do they.

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